The Why

Because the solar industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the world with an average annual growth rate of 33%. Every year the amount of sales increase at such an astronomical rate that the operations side of the industry can't produce enough trained personnel to maintain the same pace while meeting the expected quality and safety demands.

Because the amount of people who posses actual field experience and knowledge are dwindling. This is partly due to the labor requirements never being able to adequately align with the available financial contributions provided by installation companies. This may also be a major contributing factor to the lack of individuals within the operations side of the industry who actually care to learn about methods, products, codes, quality, efficiency and all the different ways to further their own personal career and help progress the trade.

Now with that being said, when pay structures are structured correctly, this can be a very lucrative trade. On average, a licensed electrician can increase their wage by 31% by moving into PV. When done right, a hard working person with only a high school education can achieve or get very close to a six figure salary. Experience, work ethic, positive attitude, loyalty, dedication, humility, human interconnection skills, and a dedication to personal improvement will always hold far more value than a college degree. More and more companies are starting to adopt the mindset utilized by US Special Forces; hire for attitude and train skill.